Pannonian agroforestry systems – case study from Slovak Republic
This diploma thesis deals with topic of agroforestry systems intemperate zone, specifically in Pannonian region. In two target areas one in Danubian Flat and one in Danubian Hills description of current systems and design of new ones is done. The study focuses on natural conditions, classification of woody vegetation and land use in correlation with agroforestry practices to propose optimal designs. Alley cropping systems in combination with shelterbelts are proposed for Danubian Flat and silvopastoral systems are proposed for Danubian Hills. Expected outcomes and possible challenges are defined for both systems based on experience and research of such systems in similar conditions. The thesis identifies agroforestry as a tool for sustainable landscape management as well as a tool to mitigate and combat climate change.
Link to the thesis: here

I am excited to present you my diploma thesis dealing with Agroforestry systems in Pannonian region of Slovakia. I have been focused on this topic for two years now and did my utmost to gain as much information as possible during the hardest times of pandemics. Agroforestry systems as sustainable landscape management should be given more attention not only in Slovakia. Therefore I hope to continue the research during PhD and bring more awareness, data and successful projects in Europe. If you have any comments or questions please do not hesitate to reach me. I am also looking for passionate colleagues willing to work on agroforestry projects. Thank you very much for reading my work!
Anna Mária Mitrová